Osietra Caviar, 100g

Osietra Caviar, 100g

Осетровая Икра Osietra

Осетровая Икра Osietra

Sturgeon Caviar AMUR ROYAL-30g

Sturgeon Caviar AMUR ROYAL-30g

Osietra Caviar, 100g

70,00 £
700,00 £ / 1 кг
One of the most expensive and sought-after delicacies in the world, a sign of refined taste and a truly exclusive product
Наличие: В наличии
Osietra sturgeon caviar is one of the most expensive and sought-after delicacies in the world, a sign of refined taste and a truly exclusive product. The colour of its eggs varies from dark brown to grey-black with a golden hue. This caviar variety is characterised by a distinctive nutty flavour and a rich aroma. The grain size ranges from 1.5 mm to 2.00 mm. The Russian sturgeon (lat. Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) is a fish of the sturgeon family that naturally enters rivers from the sea only for spawning. Most females spawn from the age of 8-10 every four or five years. The average fishweight is about 12 kg. Many experts place it even higher than beluga sturgeon caviar, although the grain of the Osietra sturgeon is finer and has a more elastic shell. Caviar is always a joy that comes from the heart, for example as a thank-you gift or a special moment of pleasure for loved ones.
Подробная информация
Название продукта Osietra Caviar, 100g
Обработанная рыба / Район вылова Осетр (Acipenser gueldenstaedtii) / Аквакультура
Состав Osietra roe , salt
Производитель Lemberg Lebensmittel GmbH Germaniastr. 29 12099 Berlin, Deutschland
Срок хранения Минимальный срок хранения прибл. 5 месяцев, при хранении при температуре от 0° до +4°C, гарантированно 3 месяца с момента отправки
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